New contract

Construction Works of package 5 Condominium Asphalt Road Lot I: Jemo Gara is located in Addis Ababa. It is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB     255,046,693.79, and has 0.46% physical performance.

Jul 31, 2023

Construction Works of Package 7 Condominium Road Project

Construction Works of Package 7 Condominium Road Project: Arabsa 6 Lot I is located in Addis Ababa which is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB     711,954,466.16, and has a physical performance of 1.70%. 

Jul 31, 2023


Construction Works of package 5 Condominium Asphalt Road Lot I: Jemo Gara is located in Addis Ababa. It is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB     255,046,693.79, and has 0.46% physical performance.

Jul 31, 2023

Construction Works of Package 5 Condominium Road Project

Construction Works of  Package 5 Condominium Road Project: Yeka Tafo Lot II  is located in Addis Ababa. It is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB       752,093,114.90, and has 2.34% physical performance.

Jul 31, 2023

Construction works of package 6 Condominium Road Project, Arabsa 5-Lot II

Construction works of package 6 Condominium Road Project: Arabsa 5-Lot II is located in Addis Ababa. It is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB     772,841,381.53, and has a physical performance of 1.65%.

Jul 27, 2023

Wolkitie Town Road Construction Project

The Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation(ECC) and the Wolketie city administration of the Central Ethiopia Regional State signed on 17 May 2024 over a 150.1 million birr project agreement. The corporation would construct an asphalt concrete road in Wolketie city within a short period of time.

Jan 1, 1970

Under construction
Construction Works of Package 9 -Chefe Condominium Asphalt Road Project

Construction Works of Package 9 -Chefe Condominium Asphalt Road Project: is located in Addis Ababa which is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB    190,532,890.43, and has 0.16% physical performance.

Aug 1, 2023

Construction Works of Koye Feche II Condominium Road Project: Lot III

Construction Works of Koye Feche II Condominium Road Project: Lot III is located at Sheger city. It is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB 345,476,222.37, and has             5.82% physical performance. 

Jul 27, 2023

ConstructionWorks of Koye Feche II Condominium Road Project: Lot II

Construction Works of Koye Feche II Condominium Road Project: Lot II      is located at Sheger city. It is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB 475,483,415.54 and has a physical performance of 1.40 %.

Jul 27, 2023

Construction works of package 6 Condominium Road Project

Construction works of package 6 Condominium Road Project: Arabsa 5-Lot I is located in Addis Ababa. It is being constructed with a contract amount of ETB 567,341,835.99, and has a physical performance of 1.95%.

Jul 26, 2023

Jinka-Mendir Road Design and Construction Project

Jinka Mender Road Construction Project Located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Regional State has a physical performance 45.76 Km.

Year to date physical plan:52.89 K.M.;physical performance 45.76 Km and  contract amount: Birr 1,373,268,271.09

Dec 9, 2022

Gishen Road  Construction Project

Gishen road construction project is located in the Amhara National Regional State and has a physical performance of 5.49 %. Year to date physical plan:1.87 K.M; physical performance: 5.49 % and Contract amount: Birr 1,316,700,000.0

Dec 9, 2022

Dima - Rad Road Construction Project

Dima - Rad the road construction project, 60 km long, is located in Gambella National Regional State. The contractual agreement is signed on January 16, 2015, with the contract amount of Birr 874,442,881. Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation is the supervisor of the project. The project is completed this year, 2020. It connects Ethiopia with south Sudan

Dima - Rad the road construction project, 60 km long, is located in Gambella National Regional State. The contractual agreement is signed on January 16, 2015, with the contract amount of Birr 874,442,881. Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation is the supervisor of the project. The project is completed this year, 2020. It connects Ethiopia with south Sudan

Dec 9, 2022

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