
Execution of Semera University infrastructure construction project reaches 95 percent

Date: Apr 23, 2024

The execution of the Semera University infrastructure design and build project, which is underway at a revised cost of over 515.4 million Birr, has reached 95 percent since the end of the first nine months of the current Ethiopian fiscal year.

The Semera University Infrastructure Design and Build project is being undertaken by Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECC) while the Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation remains the consultant of the project so far.

The project, which was launched in May 2019, includes the construction of water reservoirs, extension of water pipelines, building of drainage canals, construction of asphalt alleys, installation of lamp posts and other related infrastructures.


Corporation due to complete construction of 54 residential units for low-income persons

Date: Apr 23, 2024

The Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECC) is due to complete the construction of 54 residential units launched in Yeka Sub-city of Addis Ababa City administration.
Building Construction Project Manager with the Corporation, Eng. Dawit Atlaw said on 18 April 2024 that the project that includes construction of one (G + 4) building block, one workshop and 14 stalls, is well underway to finalize it just ahead of schedule.
Dawit said the residential units meant for low-income city dwellers living in Woerda 9 of the sub-city included 24 studios, 10 one-bedroom and 20 two-bedroom residential units.
The owner of the project, Ministry of Labor and Skills, launched the project in Jan. 2024 at a cost of 328.4 million Birr and expects its completion by July 2024, according to the manager.


Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation Staff Explore Art and Science Museum

Date: Apr 19, 2024

More than 140 employees from Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation visited the Ethiopian Museum of Art and Science, commending it as a successful endeavor that explores the nexus of art and science, especially in construction. They applauded the museum's role in connecting past and present, nurturing youth creativity, and reaffirming Ethiopia's dedication to technological progress.


Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation Hosts Iftar Program for Muslim Employees

Date: Apr 3, 2024

The Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECWC) has organized an Iftar program for its Muslim employees at the Construction Professionals Training Institute campus in Kality. The event, attended by strategic Management members of ECWC including the Corporation's CEO, Engineer Yonas Ayalew, was held in observance of the Ramadan fast of 1445.

Muslim employees of the corporation expressed their solidarity and gratitude towards the management and employees for organizing the Iftar program, emphasizing the importance of Ethiopian unity and the culture of love and brotherhood.


ECWC workers’ football team defeats ERCS’s counterpart 2 to 0

Date: Apr 3, 2024

Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECWC) workers' football team, which is participating in the Ethiopian Workers' Winter Sports Tournament organized by the Confederation of Ethiopian Workers' Association (CoEWA), defeated the Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) workers' football team by a margin of 2 to 0.  

In this match, ECWC’s football team showed remarkable performance, cohesion and dominance of the game, as well as scored several goal attempts, beating the opponent by a margin of 2 to 0, according to the team's coach, Alemayehu Gebre.

ECWC’s team scored both of the goals in the first half of the match, with the first goal coming from Caleb Ketema in the 23rd minute and the second goal by Eyob Berhanu in the 38th minute.

Coach Alemayehu further said ECWC’s football team won two games and lost two games, with 6 points, 8 goals and 2 goal differences. He added that his team is in third place following the football teams of the East African Ltd.co and Ethiopian Agricultural Works Corporation and is doing trainings one day a week to get into the playoffs by winning the next game.


Men's Table Tennis Team Defeats its Counterpart 3 to 0

Date: Apr 1, 2024

The table tennis team of Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation (ECWC), which is participating in the family sport festival competition of Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Union, defeated the Agricultural Works Corporation with a difference of 3 to 0 by dominating the game, according to Mr. Daniel Taddesse, the leader of the team.

Mr. Daniel said that the first round of the competition has been completed and the second round of the competition will start soon. He added that his team will work hard for the cup.

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